
EMS MEKOROT PROJECTS LTD is proud to introduce you the –”Granit״
we demonstrated a fully operation scenario of the “Granit״ ultrafiltration mobile system.
The demonstration was headed by Hezi lifshitz , Director General of the Ministry of Water Infrastructure.
The “Granite״ mobile system designed ,developed and manufactured by “EMS MEKOROT PROJECT” ,we use the system for two main applications the first application is to supply water for a remote locations which suffer from contaminated water resource , the second application is water supply in times of emergency (earthquakes, wars, floods ..).
The system flow rate is 5 m3/h and designed for a 50 NTU turbidity removal(max 100 NTU) Equipped with a chlorination system.
The “Granite״ system is fully controlled from any pc, tablet or cell phone ,it is mobile ,compact and fully automatic, just plug & play.
The system is designed according to the client needs ,it can be connected to the local electric grid system and also be working Autonomously with a diesel generator.
So how does the “Granite״ works?:
The water are being pumped from any water resource with a feed pump, than we move them through a pre filtering micron system which separate the waste from the water.
After the pre filtering the water are being filtered for the second time through a system of membranes which removes from the water viruses ,bacteria, giardia and cryptosporidium.
When the secondary filtration ends the product water are being stored in a 2M3 tank, from this moment and on the water can be supplied for drinking usage according to any demand.
Due to this unique system development we can supply and drink clean water anywhere anytime needed